We are a legally constitute body of volunteers; through our incorporation and by-laws, that acts on behalf of the voting members as collective trustees of the Sackville Farmers Market. Our decisions are made in the best interest of the Sackville Farmers Market.The Board and the organization were founded in 2012 to formalize the farmers' markets' existence as a community hub for local shopping. The board has since been run by a group of dedicated volunteers from the community and vendors from the Market. Each Board member serves a 3 year term on the Board.
As the market grew over the years, it allowed for the hiring of a Market Manager. In 2017, the Board made the transition from an operational board to a governance board in order to better manage and insure the growth and success of the Sackville Farmers Market.
If you are interested in joining our Board of Directors, please write to us at [email protected] with attention to the nominating committee.